Can Anxiety Cause Physical Symptoms?

Imagine this. You’re sitting in your office at work, staring at the clock, fearing the presentation you will be giving to the company’s C-Suite executives in five short minutes. If you mess up, this presentation could prevent you from earning the promotion you’ve worked so hard for. Your mind is racing with everything that could go wrong – you trip and spill your coffee all over the Chief Financial Officer’s lap, your presentation doesn’t load, you forgot all your notes and backup, or you totally blank and freeze up. As you sit at your desk watching the last few minutes tick by, you wonder if you’re about to have a heart attack because you’ve never felt your heart race this fast. The room starts spinning, and your hands are clammy.

Everybody has experienced this kind of fear and panic at least once in their life, which is a completely normal human reaction, also known as flight-or-fight. When does this sense of anxiety go from a normal human experience to something more? When you begin having these physical manifestations of anxiety on a weekly or even daily basis, it may be time to seek out help from a trained medical professional such as a psychologist or psychiatrist. 

What Are the Physical Manifestations of Anxiety?  

Although anxiety presents itself differently to every individual, some of the most common physical symptoms of anxiety include:

  • Heavy sweating
  • Hard time breathing
  • Chest tightness
  • Headaches
  • Stomach pain and nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Hyperventilation

How to Alleviate Physical Symptoms of Anxiety 

Having these physical manifestations of anxiety could be uncomfortable, but there are some handy ways that you could deal with it. These include: 

  • Exercising
  • Journaling
  • Stretching 
  • Talking to someone you care about

Often, people mistake physical manifestations of anxiety for a physical ailment, and they spend months trying to figure out what may be wrong. If you or a loved one experiences one or more of these symptoms on a frequent basis, it could be an indicator that you are suffering from an anxiety or panic disorder, and it is time to speak with a licensed therapist in Delray Beach. 

Even though you may not be suffering from anxiety, a family member or loved one may be suffering from anxiety and damaging the family dynamic. If this is the case, you could count on our Florida family services to alleviate the situation. Also, problems that stem from anxiety cause problems with marriage in a phenomenon known as marriage anxiety. Our West Palm Beach marriage counseling services could assist you in overcoming this and hopefully save your marriage. 

Have you made the decision to talk with someone to see if you can start overcoming your anxiety and coping with physical anxiety symptoms?  Marriage and Family Services is here to help you work through your anxiety and help you get back the life you deserve. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with your Delray Beach therapist today so you can stop physical symptoms of anxiety.

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