Behavioral Issues
Behavioral Issues is a broad umbrella term for a number mental disorders that Behavioral Therapy can treat. This form of therapy seeks to identify and help change potentially self-destructive or unhealthy behaviors. It functions on the idea that all behaviors are learned and that unhealthy behaviors can be changed.
People most commonly seek behavioral therapy to treat depression, anxiety, panic disorders, and anger issues. It can also help treat conditions and disorders such as: eating disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), bipolar disorder, ADHD, phobias, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), self-harm, and substance abuse. These can be experienced in both children and adults.
When diagnosing Behavioral Issues, medical professionals will evaluate symptoms of the mental disorder and match it with the appropriate therapy. While there are a number of Behavioral Therapies, we will list the most common.
Cognitive behavioral therapy is extremely popular. It combines behavioral therapy with cognitive therapy. Treatment is centered around how someone’s thoughts and beliefs influence their actions and moods. It often focuses on a person’s current problems and how to solve them. The long-term goal is to change a person’s thinking and behavioral patterns to healthier ones.
Cognitive behavioral play therapy is commonly used with children. By watching children play, therapists are able to gain insight into what a child is uncomfortable expressing or unable to express. Children may be able to choose their own toys and play freely. They might be asked to draw a picture or use toys to create scenes in a sandbox. Therapists may teach parents how to use play to improve communication with their children.
System desensitization relies heavily on classical conditioning. It’s often used to treat phobias. People are taught to replace a fear response to a phobia with relaxation responses. A person is first taught relaxation and breathing techniques. Once mastered, the therapist will slowly expose them to their fear in heightened doses while they practice these techniques.
Aversion therapy is often used to treat problems such as substance abuse and alcoholism. It works by teaching people to associate a stimulus that’s desirable but unhealthy with an extremely unpleasant stimulus. The unpleasant stimulus may be something that causes discomfort. For example, a therapist may teach you to associate alcohol with an unpleasant memory.
The focus of treatment is often on current problems and how to change them. We offer a number of different therapies and consulting that can help with you or a loved ones concerns with Behavioral Issues. Trust that you are in good hands. These are our therapists who treat Behavioral Issues…
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