Divorce occurs when a marriage does not succeed. Couples that divorce may experience grief, guilt, anger, confusion, fear, shame, and anxiety. If children are involved, the stress of divorce may be more intense. Partners may choose divorce for many reasons, and the most common are in the following list:
- Lack of commitment (this includes marrying too young or marrying the wrong person)
- An affair
- Communication issues or a tendency to bicker
- Unfair division of labor in marriage
- Physical abuse or emotional abuse
- Addiction
- Insufficient preparation for the challenges of married life
Financial problems and arguments about money
Therapy can teach coping skills that may help people work toward a new life. It could help someone have a healthier outlook on their divorce. Therapy for divorce can make people feel encouraged and empowered. It can be a safe place to share feelings and thoughts.
The types of Therapy for Divorce are:
- Individual therapy
- Couples therapy
- Family therapy
Since divorce is also a legit matter, mediation can be an alternative to discussing the divorce in court. In mediation, couples discuss custody, asset division, and other issues with a mediator. The mediator tries to help the couple reach a legally binding settlement on their own. Mediation may also improve their communication for the future. This can make a significant impact if the couple has children.
We offer a number of different therapies and consulting that can help with you or a loved ones going through a Divorce. Trust that you are in good hands. These are our therapists who treat people who have been affected by Divorce
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